At The Renovators, we strive to provide excellent cleanup and restoration when you need it most. Our mission is simple . . . to provide the most outstanding service ever experienced.
Our ServicesWe specialize in complete reconstruction, professional cleaning, odor removal and restoration of contents damaged by fire, smoke or water. We are experienced in both residential and commercial claims and offer 24-hour emergency service.
Our offices and warehouses are located at 3327 South Lake Drive in Texarkana, Texas. Our personnel include qualified estimators, construction crews, cleaning technicians, movers and clerical support personnel.
Our company is a proud member of the Association of Specialists in Cleaning and Restoration (ASCR International), the National Institute of Fire Restoration, (NIFR), The Texarkana Chamber of Commerce, the United States Chamber of Commerce, and the Better Business Bureau. We are a licensed contractor with the states of Texas and Arkansas.
"The result is amazing, dazzling, fabulous, fantastic, impressive, outstanding, spectacular, stunning, and wonderful!"
Dickey Stewart Prescott
"We have not in our lifetime met a more dedicated group of people who cared about our situation as The Renovators did."
Donald & Juanita Davis
"I can't recall being more pleased in previous business contacts, beginning with the intial scheduling call and ending with the completion of the duct cleaning and associated services and advice."
Jack & Gloria Mathew
Bad Boy Mowers are one of the great recognized company that provides lawn mower retail services at affordable prices. Call us (870) 698-0090 or visit at https://badboymowers. com/ for more information.
Crest Cleaning Services and janitorial care is the answer to your cleaning needs.
We are proud to offer both residential cleaning, and complete commercial janitorial service, in the Seattle area