akewood Gardens, your source for color in all seasons. We strive to determine your needs and desires, match them with the appropriate plants and products; then offer professional advice on how to care for and enjoy your purchase.
People make the difference and we have great people. Bring us a leaf, a weed, a bug, a picture, a sketch, a gift need or just a question and we will do our very best to help you.
At our garden center, our goal is to provide our customers with a quality selection of plants, trees, shrubs and supplies for your garden and landscaping needs. We sell bulk mulches and soils and offer delivery service. Our staff is very helpful in assisting with container and garden bed design and planting and will provide essential information for successful gardening.
ur garden center has been providing top quality service to the local community for years. We are dedicated to our loyal customers and will go out of our way to ensure your gardening experience will be a good one.
akewood Gardens is staffed by a remarkable team of talented, knowledgeable and gardener-focused professionals. We continue to deliver the best products and service to our customers, while keeping up with the newest trends and plant releases. Our commitment is to provide every gardener with the highest quality and selection of plants.
lmost everyone is happy to say goodbye to the 2010 growing season and are looking forward to the dormancy season. Many trees jumped into dormancy well ahead of schedule to try to survive the heat and dry conditions, but some trees actually did have fall color and are just now beginning to shed their foliage. Keep up with the leaves as they fall, compost them or simply shred them for a free source of mulch. Cooler, less humid weather makes outdoor gardening a pleasure. The key is finding the time to get it done.