Steps You Should Take if You Think You May be HIV Positive
Mainly, a person contracts HIV when having sexual relations with someone already infected with HIV, it cannot be contracted via casual conflict (like a handshake or a hug). Receiving a transfusion of tainted blood, sharing used needles, or open wound ...
How Women can Benefit from Viagra
When a man is given prescribed Viagra to treat his erectile dysfunction, it is not just for his satisfaction in bed, but a woman will be surprised it is for her satisfaction as well. Men suffering from erectile dysfunction often are scared ...
Male Erectile Dysfunction, Female Patience: How Women Need to Deal
Though erectile dysfunction can put a strain on any relationship, the trick is not to let it. Drugs, including Viagra, on the market, are there to help men combat the effects of ED. Women need to learn how to deal with their loved one who is sufferin ...
How Smoking Pot Can Make You Impotent
While a lot of men may believe that smoking pot can make you impotent, the truth is that the issue is pretty unclear. There are no scientific studies to prove a direct link between marijuana use and erectile dysfunction, but that does not mean that a ...
Is Erectile Dysfunction Genetic?
Is erectile dysfunction genetic? The simple answer is – NO. Erectile Dysfunction is not genetic, but impotence can be the result of various different medical or life circumstances. While erectile dysfunction itself is not carried in a mans g ...
Don’t Let Body Acne Ruin Your Sex Life
A healthy sex life is important in so many capacities; this is true not only in maintaining a healthy relationship and intimacy, but also for long-term physical and psychological health. So, dont let body acne ruin your sex life.
Here are some tip ...
The Natural Fertility Diet
The Natural Fertility Diet. More videos about diets.
Natural Health Therapy Centre – St Thomas
Natural Health Therapy Centre – St Thomas. More videos for better health.
Sexuality Tips & Facts : About Female Condoms
Yoga for Fertility & Second/Sex Chakra, Meditation,
Part I: Ovulation, Fertile Days & Getting Pregnant
Part II: Fertility Signs, Hormones, Ovulation & Fertile Days
Our Bodies, Ourselves: Reading the Written Female Body (March 11, 2009)
Embarrassing problems No. 1
Fertility Calculator: How to get pregnant guide.
Eating and Illness – the Direct Link
Fertility of the Sexes
Steps You Should Take if You Think You May be HIV Positive
How Women can Benefit from Viagra
Male Erectile Dysfunction, Female Patience: How Women Need to Deal
How Smoking Pot Can Make You Impotent
Natural Health Therapy Centre - St Thomas
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