Since 1994, ACCESS Group, Inc., a 501c3 nonprofit organization in Little Rock, Arkansas, has been building brighter futures for children, young adults and families. ACCESS offers outpatient pediatric therapy, full-time education and thorough diagnostic services for infants, toddlers, children and youths who are developing or diagnosed with ADD/ADHD, apraxia, autism and autism spectrum disorders, developmental delays, dyslexia, feeding disorders and other learning disabilities. We are committed to building new levels of confidence, competence and opportunity by empowering students with learning disabilities to define and achieve success throughout their lives.
Providing individualized outpatient pediatric physical therapy, speech and language therapy, occupational therapy and tutoring services for Arkansas clients utilizing state-of-the-art therapy tools and innovative strategies.
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Providing developmental evaluations, psychological evaluations and educational testing (cognitive testing) for children and youths with special needs. The ACCESS advanced evaluation team comprises a clinical psychologist and a therapy team.
Providing individualized special education and resources for Arkansas children and youths with learning disorders and other special needs. ACCESS Schools offers specialized instruction for preschool and school-aged students.
13-Year-Old Kahry Wright Featured in "Little Hero, Big Heart"
Picky Eaters: Banish the Battle
Is Your Child Getting a Multi-Sensory Education?
ACCESS Success: Meet Nelson Pierce, Diagnosed at Age 7 With Dyslexia
ACCESS Family Featured in Story Recognizing UAMS' Dr. Paul Wendel, M.D.
Ten TV-Free Activities for Your Young Child
Infants and Toddlers: Activities to Promote Healthy Development
ACCESS SUCCESS: Meet Grace Glasbrenner, Diagnosed at Age 2 With Apraxia
ACCESS Families Featured in Little Rock Special Family
ACCESS Opens New Evaluation and Resource Center Offices
ACCESS Group Inc. Featured in KARK Special Education Story
Early Intervention Treatment: Affordable and Life-Changing
Teaching Organizational Skills